The Plot: Megan, an ex-cop and ex-drug addicted, accepts to work graveyard shift at a hospital morgue. Unfortunately for her, the disfigured body of a young girl arrives, and soon strange things start to happen.
The Movie: This one reminded me of two better movies, EL CADÁVER DE ANNA FRTIZ and THE AUTOPSY OF JANE DOE. The plot is simple, but director Diererij Van Rooijen manages to give us a few chills, but the setting needed a more tense atmosphere and the characters could have been more interesting. A few surprises could have made it more stimulating, but, unfortunately, it’s predictable. As for the exorcism, is kind of ridiculous.
As Megan, Shay Mitchell is okay but failed to get my empathy and so did the rest of the cast. The best of them all is Kirby Johnson as the creepy Hannah Grace and her cadaver is really spooky.
At least this on isn’t boring and, if you like this kind of stuff, you’ll be entertained.
My Rate: 4 (from 1 to 10)
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